The Ins and Outs of Water and Sewer Policies in Rockville, MD

As an expert in city policies and regulations, I have a deep understanding of the various aspects that govern daily life in Rockville, Maryland. This bustling city, located just 12 miles northwest of Washington D. C., is home to over 68,000 residents and is known for its diverse community, thriving businesses, and beautiful parks. However, like any other city, Rockville has its own set of policies and regulations that must be followed.

One such area is the provision of water and sewer services.

The Importance of Water and Sewer Services

Water and sewer services are crucial for the proper functioning of any community. These services provide clean drinking water and remove wastewater from homes and businesses. Without proper water and sewer infrastructure, a city can face serious health hazards and environmental issues. In Rockville, the Department of Public Works (DPW) is responsible for managing the city's water and sewer systems. Working closely with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), the DPW ensures that the city's water supply meets all federal and state regulations.

The Water Policy in Rockville

The water policy in Rockville is governed by the city's Water Supply and Distribution Ordinance.

This ordinance outlines the rules and regulations for the use of public water supply within the city limits. It also sets guidelines for water conservation, metering, billing, and customer service. One of the key aspects of the water policy in Rockville is water conservation. The city encourages its residents to use water wisely and offers various programs to promote conservation. These include rebates for high-efficiency toilets, rain barrels, and irrigation controllers.

Additionally, the city offers free water audits to help residents identify ways to reduce their water usage. Another important aspect of the water policy is metering. All residential and commercial properties in Rockville are required to have a water meter. This allows the city to accurately measure water usage and charge customers accordingly. The city also offers an online portal where residents can track their water usage and receive alerts for any unusual spikes in consumption. When it comes to billing, the city follows a tiered rate structure.

This means that the more water a customer uses, the higher their rate will be. This is done to encourage conservation and discourage excessive water usage.

The Sewer Policy in Rockville

The sewer policy in Rockville is governed by the city's Sewer Use Ordinance. This ordinance outlines the rules and regulations for the use of public sewer systems within the city limits. It also sets guidelines for sewer maintenance, billing, and customer service. One of the key aspects of the sewer policy is proper maintenance of sewer lines.

The city requires all property owners to maintain their sewer laterals, which are the pipes that connect their property to the main sewer line. This helps prevent blockages and backups that can cause damage to both public and private property. Similar to the water policy, the sewer policy also follows a tiered rate structure for billing. However, in this case, the rates are based on winter water usage rather than actual sewer usage. This is because it is assumed that most of the water used during winter months goes into the sewer system.

How to Access Water and Sewer Services in Rockville

In order to access water and sewer services in Rockville, residents must first apply for an account with the city's Utility Billing Division.

This can be done online or in person at City Hall. Once an account is set up, residents can pay their bills online or through automatic bank withdrawals. In case of any issues or concerns with water or sewer services, residents can contact the DPW's Customer Service Division. The city also has a 24-hour emergency line for urgent matters such as water main breaks or sewer backups.


In conclusion, the policies for water and sewer services in Rockville, MD are designed to ensure the safety and well-being of its residents. These policies promote conservation, proper maintenance, and efficient use of resources.

By following these policies, the city is able to provide its residents with clean and reliable water and sewer services.